Cathy Catrambone is the 2015-2017 president of Sigma Theta Tau International. Dr. Catrambone is an associate professor at Rush University College of Nursing. Currently, she teaches in the DNP and PhD programs with an emphasis on outcomes research, evidence-based practice, leadership development, and health policy. Her clinical background is in adult critical care. She is a pulmonary nurse expert well known for her leadership and advocacy in promoting lung health, smoke-free living, and clean air. Funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health, her research focuses on asthma surveillance and system-level interventions to promote guideline-recommended asthma care in the emergency department. She has presented her research at several national and international meetings and has published her work in peer-reviewed journals. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine of Chicago.
Melissa Fitzpatrick has held many leadership roles, including Chief Nurse Executive at Duke University Medical Center, Chief Clinical Officer at Hill-Rom, and Editor-in-Chief of the Nursing Management Journal. She earned her B.S.N. at Gwynedd-Mercy College and her M.S.N. at the University of Pennsylvania. A prolific author and a widely known motivational speaker, she is a Past President of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses and the Foundation for Critical Care. She serves as an officer, task force leader, and member of many national organizations and boards.