Presenters of accepted or invited presentations will be notified of acceptance via email communication.
A signed Intent to Present Form stating presenter’s intention to present at the specified event must be completed to be placed in a scheduled session. The deadline for completion of the Intent to Present Form will be strictly enforced.
Presenters will be notified of their scheduled session day and time after the Intent to Present Form submission deadline. Presenters are expected to present their submissions on the scheduled day(s) and time(s) indicated. Poster presenters may be scheduled for multiple days and times.
If a completed form is not received, presenters will be notified that the form was not received by the deadline and their presentation was removed from the program.
Registration fees are to be paid by the presenter registration deadline. Non-registration will result in a presentation being removed from the program.
Removal from the program will result if these guidelines are not met.
Non-compliance with the above guidelines will result in the presenter not being allowed to present at any Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International event for a full calendar year. If a presenter registers but does not show up (without notifying STTI staff of an emergency), the same consequences will apply.
Attend Leadership Connection 2016 by registering today.